February 19, 2011

Couch To 5K, One Year Later

QUESTION: It's been almost one year. Is Jenny still running? ANSWER: Yes! But not as far and not as often as she used to.

Still, I believe strongly in the Couch to 5K program. It's a great way to get started and to build strength and stamina. For a while last spring, summer and fall, I was running 2.8 miles twice a week (before work) and 3.3 miles on the weekend. My husband also began running during the summer and eased himself into bwtween 2 and 3 miles per day. On week days, I got up at 5:45 to run and then shower before leaving for work by 7:45 or so. Once winter came and darkness hit, it was harder to get up and out in the dark and cold. My running reduced to one day per week. I did, however, run in two 5K races and one 4 mile race in December, the Jingle Bell Jog. This year, I joined a Y with an 1/8 mile indoor track, the idea being that I can run after work twice a week while it is still dark outside. I can also run in the cold, rain or in very hot weather. We'll see how that goes.

Am I a runner? I belive that I am. I even have some nifty running clothes now.