Here is Jesse in his too-big crate, which I sold on Craig's list before the new one came! What a mistake.
I have spent this vacation learning as much as I can about training and re-training an adult dog. My dear friend and her expert dog-breeder friend have suggested that socializing a distant beagle, a roamer by nature, is virtually impossible and certainly not worth the effort. The breeder suggested that I return the dog to the rescue center. Hearing this advice was shocking and upsetting, but it helped me tremendously. 1. I began to accept the situation we are in: I am starting from scratch with Jesse and I can have NO expectations. 2. I love Jesse and having him is great, despite the challenges.
The housebreaking is a challenge, his tendency to chew and destroy given the opportunity is a challenge, and teaching him to be a loving house dog is a challenge.
But, I'm learning. I bought the Nature's Miracle and have cleaned the rugs with it. I bought baby gates to restrict Jesse to the kitchen when no one can be home with him. I've ordered a smaller crate to help with the housebreaking. It should arrive soon. I leash him in the house and force him to follow me everywhere so that he in involved with our lives and daily routines. A puppy would do this instinctively, but Jesse has to be taught to be curious. I've also learned that the walking schedule must be adjusted if Jesse goes out and goes earlier than usual-that it's the duration between walks that counts. I'm reading the Monks of New Skete and that has really helped me understand how dogs think. It has also given me hope that even adult dogs can be taught and retrained to adjust to their new lives and homes. The Monks explain just how to do everything! Best of all, I found a beagle support group on line, so from now on, I'll be posting about Jesse there instead of on this blog.
Happy new year!
Stories, Experiences and Learning as a Mother, Teacher and Student from Brooklyn, NY to Lexington, KY
December 31, 2012
December 28, 2012
The Drama of Housebreaking
I’m not sure why I’m
blogging about our housebreaking drama. I guess I wish I had an adult dog
housebreaking support group, and this is the next best thing.
We had a setback
tonight. Jesse peed in the house again. I was furious with him, and he knew it,
although I didn’t yell at him. I stormed and stomped around-the opposite of the
neutral tone the articles instruct one to take. Now, Jesse seems afraid of me
and is staying in his crate.
I’m trying to piece
together what went wrong.
I was at the coop and missed the 5pm
walk. Things always go wrong when I miss a walk. Jonathan covered me with two
walks. Possible confusion for Jesse?
I noticed Jesse was drinking more water
than normal. He hadn’t eaten any food all day, but did once I got home. When he
finished the water in his bowl, he went for the toilet- a first to my
knowledge. I refilled his bowl. I should have made note.
I was eating dinner later than normal and
watching TV. I checked on him just before the bedtime walk time and said, “15
minutes, guy. Okay?” Not okay. I should have walked him.
Suddenly, I saw him trotting through the
house, hitting all of the downstairs rooms. I should have stopped eating and
taken him out.
He trotted into the hallway and peed on
the rug-same spot as Xmas eve-exactly what the articles say a dog will do.
I showed anger as I put the leash on and
dragged Jesse outside. It was too late. After the too-late walk, I knocked
stuff over, including water, and made huge messes that dripped into the
basement. The whole accident snowballed into an even bigger mess.
What did I learn?
I SHOULD have bought the Nature’s
I should have cleaned the rug better.
I should have had newspapers down in the
I should not have given Jesse access to
the whole house-yet.
I need to buy baby gates to block off the
I have ordered a new, smaller crate,
although the crate has not been the problem right now. It’s just too big for
our kitchen.
They say when a dog is accident-free for 6
weeks, he’s housebroken. That’s 42 days. We’re back to day 1.
December 26, 2012
My Rescue Beagle
Every year that I taught 3rd grade, I read Shiloh to my class. The story made me want, more than anything else, a beagle of my own. Recently, after my friend's daughter died suddenly and proceeds in her honor were to go to the Sean Casey Animal Rescue and, after our beloved Jack Russell Terrier, Phoebe, died after a long and happy life, it happened that I was on the SCAR website looking at a photo of a dog named Jefferson. The site said he was a "beagle mix," probably because of his blue tick coloring where normally the fur is white. His sad brown eyes haunted me and I decided that I would go an meet him.
"Jefferson" was not at Sean Casey's 3rd Street shop when I went to see him, but was housed instead at the new Sunset Park facility on 39th Street. My daughter, Elsa and I went over on a Sunday afternoon to meet him and some other beagles who had come in from Kentucky. Volunteers are allowed to take dogs out for walks and spend time with them. We walked Jefferson first. He was happy to be out. He pranced and pounced when he saw other dogs and children. He walked very nicely on his leash. The second beagle we walked was very frightened of the world and the third was overweight had a coughing fit after running about 30 yards in the park. By comparison, Jefferson seemed the best adjusted and a good choice for us.
We sent photos of him to my friend, Sugar, who thought the dog might be mixed with Australian Blue Heeler-not a good breed mix, she felt, for a city dog. She did not recommend adoption. Sadly, I tried to forget Jefferson.
But I couldn't.
For the next two days, I rushed out after school to visit and walk him. On the second day, the handler at Sean Casey mentioned that he was the only dog in the kennel who willingly re-enters his crate after being out. "I have to lift the rest of them in." It was at that moment that I decided that Jefferson needed to become part of our family. He was SO sweet.
I brought Jesse James home on November 28th.
I have always heard that beagles are hard to train. I've heard that they are difficult to housebreak, they tend to howl, they eat incessantly and will jump up on the dining room table to get food, and that given the chance, they will run away. But, as an experienced dog owner, a former race horse trainer and a current teacher of 6 year olds, I was confident that I am up to the task of raising a beagle.
This dog isn't even really difficult-he has a very docile temperament-but no part of having him has been easy!
So, let's run down some of the challenges we have faced:
1. Jesse is not house broken. The first night in his crate, he peed in it, and has almost once every day since then. The second night we had him, I left the crate door open so that if he had to, he could use the newspaper I left down on the kitchen floor. He peed on the newspaper, but he crapped on the kitchen floor. He pees when he's had too much water. He pees randomly, even after being out four or five times in a day. I'm tearing my hair out trying to figure out how to housebreak this dog. I've read four books on the subject. Most advice is for puppies but most say training the older dog is much the same. Reward, reward, reward for going outside.
Another problem: Jesse is indifferent to treats, (I've tried two kinds) so rewards have little impact.
So, I have Jesse on a schedule. He walks at 6:30 am, 12:30 pm, 5 pm and 10:30 pm. I have to drag him out in the morning. He HATES getting up. But, once I let him sleep in until 7:30. Too late! He peed his bed. I've had to hire dog walkers for the midday walk while I'm at school.
His last accident was Christmas eve. Keep your fingers crossed.
2. Jesse does not like any treats I give him so rewarding him for good deeds and encouraging him to follow any commands is difficult.
3. Jesse knows no commands. We are signing up for obedience class which will begin January 6th. In the interim, we are working on SIT, COME and HEEL-but this he does naturally, thank goodness. He won't even come to me in the house, or follow me when it's time to go to bed or to eat. I have to leash him indoors to bring him any where. I've never had to do this with ANY dog before!
4. Jesse likes many people. He likes men and he loves the woman who owns IT'S A DOG'S WORLD on Coney Island Avenue. But, he doesn't seem to like me. He doesn't listen to me, he doesn't obey me, he doesn't respond to me when I call his name, and doesn't like to take treats from me. He takes treats from the Dog's World woman, and from his walkers, but not from me.
This is baffling to me. I'm nice. I've spent over $500 on this dog. I take care of him 24/7. What's up with this?
5. Elsa came home during the day last week to have lunch with Theo. While they were eating, Jesse jumped up onto the dining room table. Elsa sent me a photo, otherwise I would not have believed he would do such a thing. I asked her, "What did you say to him?" She said she told him to get down, after she took the photo.
6. The first day we brought Jesse home, I took him out into our large, lovely FENCED yard. He loved it and jumped around excitedly, ears flopping. Within minutes, he had scoped the perimeter of the yard, found an opening under the fence, and took off into my neighbor's yard. He was loose and I had to run around the house, unlatching the locked gate, and chase him down. Fortunately, Jesse didn't realize that the neighbor's main gate was open, otherwise, he would have been gone.
7. The next day, my husband was unloading groceries from the car and, not realizing that we have a NEW dog, let Jesse out onto the sidewalk. "How far can he go?" he wondered. Ha! When Jonathan went back out for the next load, Jesse was nowhere in sight. Jonathan had to call to me and with me barefoot, we chased the dog down Stratford Road, only by chance happening to see him, ears flopping, duck into a neighbor's yard. Thankfully, once we caught up to him, Jesse did not run from us and we were able to bring him home.
8. Jesse is remarkably silent. He doesn't bark, hardly at all, but he will whimper and whine if he sees a dog or something he wants. He does not 'ask' to go out. He does not indicate, in any way, that he needs to go out. Jonathan happened to take Jesse to Thompkins Square Park one night, to the dog run there. Jesse saw a rat through a fence and did that beagle howling thing, over and over. I've never heard him make such a sound, ever.
As you can probably tell, I love this dog with my whole heart. Still there is lots of work to be done, and I have so many questions that I cannot seem to get answers to:
1. Is our crate too big? Jesse is 31 inches long. Our crate is 35". The Sean Casey volunteer said I should buy a 30" crate, but won't that be too small? I honestly don't think it matters because Jesse WILL lie in his pee, something all dog experts say that dogs WILL NOT do.
2. At the Sunset Park SCAR location, they have 'state of the art' crates for dogs that allow for easy cleaning, i.e. there is a grate that allows the mess to fall and the tray then can be easily hosed out. Does this practice then, UN-crate train an animal that is NOT supposed to pee and crap in the crate TO pee and crap in the crate? If they are not walked, the animal has no choice. Is this why Jesse is confused?
3. To choke or not to choke: is use of a choke collar passé? The SCAR volunteer suggested one, Richard Wolters of City Dog recommends using them, but the Dog's World woman hates them and the Beagles for Dummies does not like them either. Jesse walks relatively nicely, but responds better when he's wearing a choke. Should I use it for training only?
4. How much training should we be doing at this point? Should I wait for obedience class or should I begin?
If you have suggestions and/or opinions, please leave me a comment.
Great things about rescuing a
1. For each dog adopted,
there is one less in a crate 24/7.
2. Jesse is older and more
mature. Even though he makes mistakes, he doesn’t have the puppy behaviors that
can be so challenging (although also fun!)
3. It feels good to support
an organization such as Sean Casey’s. He works tirelessly to place dogs in
homes. Volunteers are needed to walk rescues every day, if you’re interested.
4. Jesse’s new life with us
is most likely a big adjustment for him as well, but I do get the sense that he
is happier and he’s beginning to enjoy himself.
5. Jesse is a great running
companion. He can do 3 miles around the park easily and will build up to
greater distances.
Here is the link to SCAR:
SCAR also has a Facebook Page that lists events and happenings as well as adoption stories:
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