I meant to post this article months
ago when I was still trying to figure out what was going with my mother's mental health.
While this post is out of sequence in the saga of my mother’s recent health, I
found this information very interesting and thought I would pass it on. The term RUMINATION was new to me although I now realize that my mother has been ruminating for 30 years, maybe longer.
Rumination is defined as the compulsively focused attention on
the symptoms of one's distress, and on its possible causes and consequences, as
opposed to its solutions. Rumination
is similar to worry except
rumination focuses on bad feelings and experiences from the past, whereas worry
is concerned with potential bad events in the future.
Probing the depression-rumination
The word "ruminate" derives from the Latin for chewing cud, a
less than gentile process in which cattle grind up, swallow, then regurgitate
and re-chew their feed. Similarly, human ruminators mull an issue at length.
But while the approach might ease cows' digestion, it doesn't do the
same for people's mental health: Ruminating about the darker side of life can
fuel depression, said Yale University psychologist Susan Nolen-Hoeksema, PhD,
in a Board of Scientific Affairs invited address at APA's 2005 Annual
What's more, rumination can impair thinking and problem solving, and drive
away critical social support, she said.
In work published in APA's Journal of Personality and Social
Psychology, JPSP (Vol. 77, No. 4, pages 801-814), Nolen-Hoeksema and
Christopher Davis, PhD, found that although ruminators report reaching for
others' aid more than nonruminators, they receive less of it. In fact, many of
them report more social friction--"things like people telling them to buck
up and get on with their lives," said Nolen-Hoeksema.
People might respond to a ruminator compassionately at first, but their
compassion can wear thin if the rumination persists.
"After a while they get frustrated, and even hostile, and start
pulling away, which of course as a ruminator gives you a whole lot more to
ruminate about: 'Why are they abandoning me, why are they being so critical of
me?'" said Nolen-Hoeksema.
In her talk, she explored the roots of this cycle of rumination and
depression, and what can be done to break it.
Numerous longitudinal studies point to rumination's negative effects:
For example, research Nolen-Hoeksema conducted on Bay Area residents who
experienced the 1989 San Francisco earthquake found that those who
self-identified as ruminators afterward showed more symptoms of depression and
post-traumatic stress disorder.
Another of her studies, conducted with Judith Parker, PhD, and Louise
Parker, PhD, found rumination predicted major depression among 455 18- to
84-year-olds who had lost family members to terminal illnesses. Those who
ruminated more often became depressed, and stayed depressed in follow-ups
through 18 months later, according to the study, published in 1994 in JPSP
(Vol. 67, No. 1, pages 92-104).
In addition, a community survey Nolen-Hoeksema conducted on 1,300
adults, ages 25 to 75, backed those results. It found that ruminators develop
major depression four times as often as nonruminators: 20 percent versus 5
percent. (The results were significant even for ruminators who weren't
depressed at baseline.)
Many ruminators stay in their depressive rut because their negative
outlook hurts their problem-solving ability, said Nolen-Hoeksema. According to
her research, they often struggle to find good solutions to hypothetical
problems. For example, if a friend is avoiding them, they might say, "Well,
I guess I'll just avoid them too."
In addition, ruminators express low confidence in their solutions and
often fail to enact them--for example, failing to join a bereavement support
group despite intending to, said Nolen-Hoeksema.
"Even when a person prone to rumination comes up with a potential
solution to a significant problem, the rumination itself may induce a level of
uncertainty and immobilization that makes it hard for them to move
forward," she said.
Such depressive rumination most often occurs in women as a reaction to
sadness, according to research Nolen-Hoeksema conducted with Lisa Butler, PhD,
of Stanford University. Men, by comparison, more often focus on their emotions
when they're angry, rather than sad, she said.
The reason, Nolen-Hoeksema speculated, is largely cultural.
"There are differences between what it's OK for women versus men to
focus on emotionally," she said.
Gender aside, ruminators share some common characteristics. They often:
they're gaining insight through it.
Have a
history of trauma.
Perceive that
they face chronic, uncontrollable stressors.
personality characteristics such as perfectionism, neuroticism and excessive
relational focus--"a tendency to so overvalue your relationships with
others that you will sacrifice yourself to maintain them, no matter what the
costs," Nolen-Hoeksema explained.
Bucking rumination
It's hard to divert depressive ruminators from their negative thoughts,
Nolen-Hoeksema's research indicates. However, distracting them by directing
them to think about, for example, a plane flying overhead, the layout of their
local mall or a fan slowly rotating, does appear to decrease their
rumination. Her studies with Sonja Lyubomirsky, PhD, of Stanford
University--many of them published in JPSP--have found that distracted
ruminators less often recall negative events, such as being dumped by a
significant other, than non-distracted ruminators. Distraction also helps
mitigate ruminators' tendency to focus on problems--and express self-blame and
low confidence--when discussing their lives, the research suggests.
Practically speaking, people can use such distraction techniques as
meditation and prayer to help break the rumination cycle, said Nolen-Hoeksema.
Other cycle breakers she suggested include:
Taking small actions to begin solving problems.
Reappraising negative perceptions of events and
high expectations of others.
Letting go of unhealthy or unattainable goals and
developing multiple sources of self-esteem.
"For example, women who build their identity solely around family
are rumination-prone" because they've got all of their self-esteem and
social support in one basket, said Nolen-Hoeksema. "So helping them to
develop multiple sources of gratification and social support can be helpful
buffers against stressful events in any one of those domains."
explains a lot of my mother’s previous behaviors. I think it caused and
exacerbated her depression and contributed significantly to her dementia.
I worry that in
trying to figure her out that I, too, am ruminating!
So, moving on…(!)