April 22, 2010


I graduated the program two weeks ago, after 9 weeks of training. I cannot believe how well this program works. The secret, I think, is in the way each runner pushes him/herself a little bit each week. I went from running just 60 seconds at a time in February to running 3.3 miles in April. Well, okay, that was a stretch, but I did it. To train, I am running about 3.1 miles each day, four or five times per week. On weekends, I stretch that run to 3.3 miles or more and include hills. I am training for my first 5K May 1st. This Saturday, one week before the race, I plan to walk to the starting point and then run the course and hope to finish in less than 36.4 minutes. But, what ever happens, I'll be happy. This is such a huge change for me. I can't believe I can run for more than a few minutes. I can believe I can run any distance in miles. I can't believe I'm trying to improve my time. Is this ME? And here is the rest of it.